10-minute abs workout strengthens your core without weights.

Instead, use this equipment-free, no-repeat abs workout to build core muscle in just 10 minutes.

The routine, developed by the fitness duo Juice & Toya, features 10 exercises to target your midsection.

You’ll do each one for 45 seconds, take a 15-second break, and then start the next move.

It can be tempting to try and get through as many repetitions as you can in the time, but Juice says that you’re better off “engaging the core and doing everything

Your core is a collection of muscles around your stomach that help link your upper and lower body, promote circulation and improve your balance.

Your abs form part of your core muscle, so training your abs does help build a stronger core. 

Part of the reason you can get results from a 10-minute workout like this one is the style of exercise: high-intensity resistance training

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